About Me

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I am a fun, outgoing person who enjoys good company and new challenges. I am daring, adventurous and always up for meeting new people and seeing new places. Come along and follow the day-to-day happenings in the life of a post modern artistic prodigy a.k.a. me!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Part 2: Questions

I have always wondered if i was doing the right thing, the right course, persuing the right vissions. A light bulb flashed in the september vacation that opened my eyes to put my mind at ease about these daunting questions.
The question, "am i doing the right thing", is a tough one. Sometimes the right thing does not always seem to be the best thing or decision. There are many philosophical terms stating that the right thing to do is to be truthfull, brutely honest and be a moral person. Well, newsflash, no-one can be moral. we all lie, cushion the truth and pretend to be all moral and kind but turn a 180 when that person turns his or her back. My advise, be truthfull to the extent that it would not unneccesarily harn the ones you care about, but a little white lie here and there sometimes protects the ones you hold most dear. A lie os not the opposite of the truth, just a fictional updated version.
The question, "am i doing the right course", well this seems to be an easy answer at face value, but is a huge factor to continually adress to ensure that you are content with your future and what it probably would entail. Many a student nowadays are into the BComm faculty, not because of the love of the economy and cash-books, no, its all about the money. I come from an extremely poor extended family background, and being in a middle-classed home, i had access to more than my other family members. When they heard that i am leaving home to persue my tertiary studies, a whole lot of disturbing questions came up. Questions such as, why dont you study accounting, or medicine, or I.T. as a matter of fact. Everything revolved around money.Many of you would be able to relate to these questions and attitudes. I stood firm in my following my passion in performing arts, yes, a lousy, underated, futureless BA degree. I say, follow your passions with all your might. Dont let anyone, even your parents have a say in what you want to do. they will die, as all parents do, its a sad fact. But what would be even more sad is if you have to carry on living in a 'shitty' job which you hate and have absolutely no interest in. Wheres your parents now. Live for yourself first, you cannot please everyone, but always remeber, you and only you can live your life, shouldn't you be in charge!
So the previous statement pretty much covers the issue of persuing your own vissions. I have learnt this past september vacation, life is an adventure, but what makes it worthwhile is the journey, not a specific destination. Life is hard as a young man in a forrein town on my own, having to navigate my ship clear of stormy waters, but no-one said that life was easy. As the son goes, "there will be an answer, just let it be". Life gets interesting when you dare to dream, just power through all the speed humps as you make your way DOWN LIFE LANE...

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Part 1: A New Turn

It all started with my shift at the Old Gaol Backpackers bar. I came in, signed in, nothing out of the ordinary. I found out that that their would be a new recruit coming in to assist me, which i had to train. So, this is where i met Camila. Camila, much to my surprise was a young Norwegian girl.
The Old Gaol has always had many Dutch students who tended the bar over the years, who join the international student program at my and local university, Rhodes. This was the place they called home, as the Dutch has a tradition of living at the Old Gaol.
Getting back to the topic, it was a Friday night and the crowd was coming in to kick off yet another weekend of chaos in Grahamstown.
The night went well, despite Camila continuously asking for guidance on making many of the unique drinks and shooters only found at the Old Gaol. The night was awesome with my director, Byron Davis, reinacting Leona Lewis's Bleeding Love music video anoung many laughable events. In the Later stages of the night, Camila came out of her shell abit when i took her for a very seductive and funky dance behind the bar. We chatted all night about random topics and decided that it would be cool to hang out the next day. We agreed, that shwe would send me a text the next day to set up al the admin. This was the start of something new.
The next day came and went, no text. The week came and went, still nothing. So as there was not much to do, i just let it go.
Two weeks later, i decided to pop into the Gaol for a glass a red wine, one of my favourite drinks. Can you guess who i bumped into, yes you guessed it. We immediately got into a debate about the text that she claimed to have sent that i obviously had not recieved. So we decided to try again the next day.
The next morning, i was wonken up by the buzz of my irritating cellphone, it was her. It was the text message.
We arranged to meet for lunch that day, and ended up meeting for the rest of that week. We became close, closer that an ordinary friend, i couldn't quite put my finger on it but there was something there. As things started getting interesting, we were interupted by the September vacation.
The day of my return, i went to the Gaol to cover for one of my colleagues, Mas. We spent time together again talking, playing Facebook poker and just having a laugh. Later that evening as closing time drew near, we slowed the music down and had a dance. Something felt right, like we just clicked in each others arms. Everyone had left, yet the dance continued. We played our favourite soul music, and what do you know, we had the exact same taste, it became like a movie steriotype, where everything just seemed to happen at the right time at the right place. Things got interesting when going through each others facebook photos.
The night was the seeled with a passionate kiss, a fantasy, another moment down life lane...